Tuesday, July 22, 2008

that's nice

ever heard of an adjective? by definition,  it is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. Out here in cayman no one knows or has EVER heard of these strange things we call adjectives. WHAT??? you may say. but i am being totally serious. the only ONLY adjective they know is "nice". they say "that's nice" to everything and jamie and i have caught on. we have lost 12 years of speaking english and expanding our vocabulary to only be able to spit out "that's nice" whenever asked a question. so pathetic..

Casey: How do i look today jamie?
Jamie: Nice

Casey: This cake looks nice

Jamie: This perfume is nice

Casey: That run was nice

Jamie: Dinner sounds nice

Casey: nice

seriously we are coming home with more money in our pockets but less brains in our heads.

Regardless of what the internet says they do not speak english here. it is broken english. it is a mix of jamaican, spanish, caymanian and with a Honduran accent. They say "we" instead of "us" for example "that guy was mean to we. what about we? we's not invited?" oh a few more we have picked up on... bananers, unbreller, salerd, potaters. they love the "er" endings, they throw it on the end of everything. WHATAGWAN means what's going on? GERL WHAYANAM means girl what you eating. i know. you're thinking in your head what in the world how do they get that from that? but keep saying it and eventually you will be able to hear the resemblance. promise.

1 comment:

Taryn from America! said...

that's nice...but I am ready for a update......